Are you hungry for apples. We hope so because one of this weeks staged challenges involves consuming five apples.
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Where to find apples in fortnite.

Consume apples fortnite challenge. Consume 5 apples! challenge. Apple trees in fortnite tend to have lighter colored leaves a rounded top and relatively thin trunks though in some cases the trees may look a bit different. In this quick guide well tell you how to skydive through floating rings while destroying cars and consuming apples.
Remember since the wording is pretty particular the apples may not count when eaten at full health. Battle royale and theyre a sort of odd bunch. Season 8 week 2 challenges are live in fortnite.
Well be exploring the farthest reaches of the map eating apples and doing all those regular. Not all trees spawn apples under them so you will have to look for a specific type of tree to find and consume apples for this challenge. You will want to look for trees that look like the ones in the image below.
Fortnites season 6 week 7 challenges include finding and consuming apples which are a healing consumable found in the wild of the batt! le royale map. Apples typically are found on the ground beneat! h trees in fortnite. If youre still in pristine condition make sure to take some fall damage or blow yourself up before nibbling on them.
Week 7 challenges are live in fortnite. In this video i have used apples to complete fortnite week 9 challenge and also shown where to find apples location fortnite season 6 week 9 challenges free challenges get 30s of airtime in a. How to complete the fortnite week 10 challenge mercifully both apples and mushrooms dont tend to turn up on their lonesome.
You can find apple trees near lucky landing and risky reels but you cant. Fortnite consume apples or mushrooms. Heres how to consume fortnite apples as well as complete the season 8 week 2 challenge.
It clearly states you need to gain health from them. One of the longer challenges to complete in week 7 of fortnite battle royale season 6 battle pass 5 is the stage 1. Fortnite apple locations gain health from apples challenge! gain health from apples.
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